Stockholm District Court

Reference number:
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The Plaintiffs

Juhani Selvani, Katarina Kaila De Voto, and Anders Kumlander request that the District Court determine that they have the right to represent the Foundation as members of the Foundation's board.

The Defendants

The Hilma af Klint Foundation disputes the plaintiffs' claims.

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5.3 The plaintiffs have acted disloyally.
The plaintiffs are disloyal to the purpose of the Foundation and therefore cannot be part of the board, as it is a position of trust and such trust is lacking. The background to the disloyal behavior is that the board entered into disadvantageous agreements detrimental to the Foundation. The former board members (Kurt Almqvist etc.) sat on the board of the Axel Ax:son Johnson Foundation in parallel with their position on the board of the Hilma af Klint Foundation. In turn, the Axel Ax:son Johnson Foundation owned the publishing house Stolpe förlag. Board members of the Hilma af Klint Foundation entered into agreements with Stolpe förlag, transferring so-called NFTs consisting of digital rights and images of works, and then allowed the funds from those agreements to go to Stolpe Publishing. This goes against general principles of loyalty to the principal and against the bylaws, including Section 4, which indicates that the Foundation has a spiritual focus, not a commercial one. Furthermore, agreements made by the former board (the board prior to December 14, 2023) as well as information from the CEO Jessica Höglund have been withheld from the chairman Erik af Klint. The currently registered board, including the plaintiffs, continues the agenda of the former board and intends to sell works in order to build a museum with the proceeds.

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Under the chairman's leadership, the parties conduct settlement discussions. It is noted that currently there are no conditions for reaching a settlement.

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