Stockholm County Administration
Reference number:


Page 13-14


Decision regarding the Chairman's notice to notify the CEO of termination ("BP")

It was noted that EaK (Erik af Klint) presented a dissenting opinion according to this document as well as according to the appendix "Comments for adjustments to the Minutes of the Board Meeting on 24/5".

Noted by AK (Anders Kumlander), KKdV (Katarina Kaila de Voto), JS (Juhani Selvani), and UW (Ulf Wagner) presented a proposal for a decision, with the accompanying background to the proposal, according to point 11 in Appendix 4.

It was noted that EaK opposed the proposal, after which a discussion followed.

EaK (Erik af Klint) stated that the Foundation's costs for the CEO are too high, especially in light of the fact that the Foundation's funding from the Johnsson Foundation has ceased, and his decision to notify the CEO of termination has been prompted by financial reasons.

GB (lawyer Gösta Bergman) stated that on EaK's side, they are not satisfied with the work performed by the CEO. JK (auditor Jan Karlestedt) added that the notice was actually prompted by three reasons: dissatisfaction with the work performed by the CEO from EaK's side, the Foundation's finances not allowing for continued employment, and the cessation of donations from the Johnson Foundation. (Axel and Margaret Ax:son Johnson Foundation for Public Benefit)

After the discussion, it was decided by vote (3 votes (KKdV, JS, and UW) for and 1 vote (EaK) against):

  • to confirm that the chairman's notice on April 12, 2023, to notify the CEO of termination due to lack of work is not binding on the foundation,

  • to confirm that the CEO is in full service according to her employment contract,

  • all binders containing the Foundation's contracts and board meeting minutes, etc., that have been removed from the CEO's office at the Moderna Museet should be returned there and kept there, and

  • otherwise take all actions required for the CEO to fulfill her duties according to her employment contract and the rules of procedure.

Dissenting opinion:

EaK opposes retaining the CEO in office because funding for the CEO's employment, provided by the Ax:son Johnsson Foundation, has ceased. Since the Foundation's costs remain high, this constitutes sufficient grounds to terminate the CEO's employment for economic reasons. Furthermore, EaK opposes the approval of returning binders to the Moderna Museet as the CEO has been notified, and the board is considered impartially unsuitable to manage the Foundation. Additionally, EaK opposes the board taking action they deem necessary for the CEO to fulfill her duties. Employment contracts and rules of procedure are missing.

It was noted that EaK objected to the decision.

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